Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Online?

Good day good day, hello hello, and greetings to all. This is the first official post of my game reviews. It just so happens that this videogame review blog is focusing on the online aspects of games that are out there. I will occasionally also do a game that is single player only. Because I am a Playstation fanboy, well not really, I decided to focus on Playstation games. I am not limiting this to the newest games either, because as all gamers know, the oldies are the classics. My reviews to some others may be a bit different because, just for the pure blissful feeling, I love to tear a game a new rectum. And lets face it, some of these games deserve it! And I'm sure I can point one game out that is the worst in history that has come out for the Playstation 3, LAIR! I don't own this game, but i'v played it, and I refuse to ever do a review on it.

But one game I WILL review is my current all time favorite online game, Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare. Now, Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare is easily one of the best games i'v ever played in my life. Up until this game I hated every first person shooter that has ever existed, except for Golden Eye 007. This games got it all; some bad ass guns, some bad ass graphics, some bad ass game types, and some bad ass towel heads, yanks and limeys! Infinity Ward took a huge step out of there... "ordinary" game series, as every other Call Of Duty game has taken place in WWI and WWII. That's the reason I hated the games, because those bloody campaigns are so damn overused! But when I heard the game was set in Modern Warfare, I ran right out to rent it, to see if I'd play it. And let me tell you, I played it, and played it, and played it. I bet if I had a girlfriend at the time she would of dumped me because of it. Actually, now that I think of it, she did dump me, but AFTER I took it back.

The grand thing about this game, is how they keep you hooked on it. In many online games, you play them, and after awhile you get bored of them because there really isn't anything new, and there is nothing really to work towards, and the stuff you can work towards, usually don't take all that long. But with Call Of Duty 4, they went that extra mile. There are 55 different ranks, and you start at rank 1. You then gain experience through killing others, planting bombs, and capture objectives. Then you proceed to go to rank 55 while unlocking new weapons, perks, and challenges along the way. At level 55, once you cap off your experience, you can enter the most epic shit in the world! It's called prestiege. This shit is so epic it makes "Epic Movie" look like "Movie". Yeah, it's THAT EPIC. What is it you ask? Well you'll find out in my next blog post.

Nah I wouldn't do that. Prestiege is where you offer up everything for a shiney new medal. "What do you mean 'offer up everything?'" you ask? Well in exchange for this shiney new medal, you must give up every unlocked weapon, every unlocked and uncompleted/completed challenges, and every unlocked perk. "Who the hell would want to do that?!!?" you ask? Well why not? Not only do you have your goals to go through again, some of the medals look pretty bad ass... And hey, it's not ALL that bad. You start off with two of the best weapons in the game anyways. And guess what, you can do this 10 times! There are 10 different prestieges!!! I am currently on my 8th, hopefully gonna hit my ninth this weekend.

Another thing that keeps you hooked, is probably the longest and toughest thing to do. There are 5 classes of weapons. Assult rifles, SMG's (sub machine guns), LMG's (large machine guns), shotguns, and sniper rifles. Under each class there are a variety of weapons, and each of these weapons have challenges. They each have kill challenges with that particular weapon, and head shots. To do all these take FOREVER! And I mean for bloody EVER! You should ONLY attempt this at your 10th prestiege or if you don't plan on going through prestieges. But when you do every challenge under each gun type like assult rifles, you unlock a skin that is golden. There is 5 total, one under each weapon type! They do look sexy though :).

Another really cool aspect is the special things you get after so many kills in a row;

3 kills - UAV. This sweeps over the map every 5 seconds or so, and shows the position of the entire enemy. The only time someone won't show up is if they have the perk UAV jammer on. It lasts 30 seconds.

5 kills - Air Strike. This is awesome in huge games like ground wars, domintation and headquarters. This calls in three jets one after another on any point of the map you wish and drops balistic missiles. If you have a UAV up when you get this, you can direct this perfectly. The only downside is they come from a random angle, so sometimes they will hit roofs of random buildings.

7 kills - Helicopter. This is usually easy enough to get once you use an airstrike if you haven't died. This calls in a helicopter, which flies around and kills everyone, or everyone on the opposite team, depending what your playing. And the awesome part is, every kill it gets, it adds to your kills! Unfortunatly if you die, when it kills people, it's kills don't count toward new UAVs airstrikes or helicopters lol. It's a great asset to have too!

There are a few bones I have to pick with this game though! One of which is some of these god damn mother &^*#(*^ weapons! One of the weapons you start off with, is the M16A4. This gun, has got to be the most all around perfect gun in the game. It's one of the strongest, one burst can kill someone instantly. It's one of the most accurate. You can hit someone who is in a different country from you. It's range is &%*$(#@ phenominal! This weapon honestly shoots JUST as far as a sniper rifle. This gun is only semi-automatic, so it does only shoot in bursts, but to me this gun is WAY to over powered. Another gun I have to pick a bone with, is one of the SMG's, the MP5. If you have the stopping power perk, and steady aim perk [which is more damage and increased hip fire accuracy] you can point the gun at someone and kill them. Not only is this gun WAY over powered, but it can actually shoot the same distance as an M16A4!! How is that possible?!?! IT'S AN SMG! AN SMG!!! WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TOO!

Another bone to pick is with the friggen hosts! They are going to be implimenting an update in which is fixes this, but this has been a pain in the ass long enough. If the host of a room leaves, the entire game ends! So if the host is being a pissy poo-poo tard and decides he sucks and he wants to become emo now, he can leave the game and ruin it for EVERYONE ELSE! And you know the old saying, if something bad can happen at a bad time, it will happen. It always happens when your doing amazing, and your kill/death ratio is awesome. They are bad people those hosts.

The single play aspect of the game is alright, it's got a nice little cheats aspect' to it which can be entertaining. It's a short single player game, but this is after all an online based game. The real fun part of this game is going online and annoying the hell out of people. I actually pissed some little kid of so bad he started screaming and swearing at the top of his lungs online, and his mom started yelling at him and I believe she hit him too. If I were a professional game reviewer, which im not, I would have to give this game a 9.5 out of 10. This game is amazing, and the graphics are so well done that you can do anything. I actually spent 10 minutes in a private match, rolling a bucket down two sets of stairs, and across a map. All in all this game is awesome to play, and it's especially fun when you play with your friends on a team. There are lot's of game types, lots of maps and lots of weapons. I'd have to say this is the best FPS i'v ever played in my life. This concluds my review for call of duty 4!


MeaDanger said...

wow, COD4, surprise surprise :P lol

Anonymous said...

LMG actually stands for LIGHT machine gun :P